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Azorean pro­gram guide 2018 october

Many of you asked me about the fall events on the Azores, so I made a sum­mary for you with the events occur­ring in Octo­ber. I have included inter­est­ing events from oth­er islands, too, not just Sao Miguel. I will be attend­ing all events on Sao Miguel, so please join me if you are in the area.

Fest­iv­al das Sopas – Soup fest­iv­al – Água de Pau, Sao Miguel Island

When: 13th of Octo­ber, 2018, 6pm to 9pm
Where: Centro Comunitário João Bosco Mota Amaral, Rua da Ribeira, Bloco C- R/C Água de Pau, Sao Miguel

Entry fee: 5 EUR

Entry includes tast­ing all soups and a soft drink.

Eden Azores Hint: arrive early (around 6pm or even earli­er) because the queue can get quite big in front of the soup stands. Also great event in rainy weather.

Fest­iv­al da Fado Amador – 5th Fado lov­ers fest­iv­al, Ter­ceira Island

When: 12th – 14th of Octo­ber, 2018
Where: Aca­demia de Juven­tude e das Artes. Rua Serpa Pinto 66,  Praia da Vitória , Ter­ceira Island


12th of Octo­ber, 8:30 pm

Music­al pro­gram with sing­ers Car­los Baptista Ávila, José Elmiro Nunes and Paulo Cunha
Free entry

13th of Octo­ber, 5pm – 8pm

Singing work­shop with Sér­gio Pereira
Por­ut­guese gui­tar mas­ter­class with Diogo Mendes, pro­fess­or of the Fado School of Coim­bra
Entry: 10 EUR, register at geral@​praiacultura.​pt

14th of Octo­ber, 8:30pm

Music­al pro­gram with sing­ers Car­los Baptista Ávila, José Elmiro Nunes and Paulo Cunha
Free entry

14th of Octo­ber, 10pm

Music­al pro­gram with Sér­gio Pereira, Diogo Mendes and Joao Fer­reira
Free entry

Outono Vivo – Vivid Octo­ber 2018, Ter­ceira island

When: 26th of Octo­ber – 11th Novem­ber, 2018
Where: Praia da Vitória, Ter­ceira Island

Event homepage: http://​www​.outonovivo​.com/
Read more: www​.vis​itazores​.com

The fest­iv­al starts with an ordin­ary book fair, but dur­ing the fest­iv­al there are food tast­ings in small loc­al res­taur­ants and con­certs in cafes in the entire city Praia da Vitoria.

Wine in Azores 2018 – Wine Fest­iv­al on Sao Miguel island

When: 19th – 21th Octo­ber 2018
Where: Asso­ciação Agrí­cola de São Miguel, Ribeira Grande, São Miguel

Event homepage: http://​www​.wineinazores​.com/

The biggest busi­ness event on the Azores: a wine fest­iv­al enhanced with gast­ro­nom­ic­al and culin­ary shows & tast­ings. Apart from being a huge tast­ing event, the focus of Wine in Azores is to sup­port the com­mer­cial suc­cess of the fea­tured wines.

The Eden Azores Wine Tast­ing Team will also be join­ing on the 20th of Octo­ber. Please let us know on the Eden Azores Face­book page if you would like to join us!

As a sum­mary and in order to know what to expect I recom­mend you read our blog posts about Wine in Azores 2017. You can find the posts here: 1. About the fest­iv­al, 2. Exper­i­ences of the Eden Azores Wine Tast­ing Team.

VII. Pico Play Auto Acoreana Rali 2018 – Pico Island

When: 12th ‑14th of Octo­ber, 2018
Where: Madalena, Pico Island

For this art­icle I used the inform­a­tion and pho­tos from the web­sites Agenda dos Acores and Vis­it Azores.

For the latest news fol­low us on the Azori Éden Face­book page.  For more inspir­a­tion and beau­ti­ful pho­tos check out the Edenazores Ins­tagram, and for com­pre­hens­ive posts of course the www​.edenazores​.com blog.

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