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Azores event cal­en­dar for august 2017

August 10 – 13
Monte verde fest­iv­al
Sao miguel island

The biggest music fest­iv­al this sum­mer
Loc­a­tion: praia do monte verde (monte verde strand), ribeira grande
Tick­ets: 28 euro (pre­s­ales) / 33 eur (at the ven­ue)
Link: http://​mon​tever​de​fest​iv​al​.com/

August 10 – 12
Porto for­moso folk­lore fest­iv­al
Sao miguel island

13th inter­na­tion­al folk­lore fest­iv­al with authen­t­ic dance com­pan­ies from hawaii, argen­tina, spain, and india
Loc­a­tion: ribeira grande & porto for­moso – porto de pes­cas (fish­ing port)
Face­book: https://​www​.face​book​.com/​e​v​e​n​t​s​/​4​4​4​3​6​3​5​7​9​2​8​1​792

August 13 – 20
33th inter­na­tion­al folk­lore fest­iv­al – folk azores
Ter­ceira island

Con­certs, inter­na­tion­al and azorean dance shows, arts & craft fair, hun­gari­an par­ti­cipants
Loc­a­tion: angra do her­oísmo
Link: http://​www​.cofit​.org/​f​e​s​t​i​v​al/

August 19
Festa branca do con­vento – white party
Sao miguel island

Con­certs & music, dress code: white
Loc­a­tion: lagoa
Tick­ets: 15 – 20 eur
Link: http://​www​.agenda​dosa​cores​.pub​licor​.pt/​e​v​e​n​t​/​f​e​s​t​a​-​b​r​a​n​c​a​-​d​o​-​c​o​n​v​e​n​t​o​-​2​0​17/

August 19
Vila franca branca – white party
Sao miguel island

Con­certs & music, dress code: white
Loc­a­tion: atlântico vila, sa, rua eng. Manuel mar­tins mota, s/n , vila franca do campo
Tick­ets: 30 – 65 eur
Link: http://​www​.atlanticov​ilaeven​t​os​.com/​i​n​d​e​x​.​p​h​p​/​e​v​e​n​t​/​i​n​d​e​x​/12

August 24 – 26
Fest­iv­al da povoação – fest­iv­al in povoação
Sao miguel island

Long stand­ing fest­iv­al with inter­na­tion­al artists, but real azorean atmo­sphere
Loc­a­tion: povoação
Face­book: https://​www​.face​book​.com/​f​e​s​t​i​v​a​l​.​p​o​v​o​a​cao

August 11 – 14
Fest­iv­al ihla branca – fest­iv­al of the white island
Gra­ciosa island

4‑day fest­iv­al which is part of the lord santo cristo dos mil­agres fest­iv­it­ies. Inter­na­tion­al and por­tuguese acts for the young & old
Loc­a­tion: santa cruz da gra­ciosa
Link: https://​www​.fest​iva​lil​h​abranca​.com/
Free of charge

August 18 – 20
Maré de agosto fest­iv­al
Santa maria island

Con­certs of por­tuguese bands on the beach of for­moso
Loc­a­tion: praia for­mosa (for­mosa beach), vila do porto
Link: http://​www​.mare​deagosto​.com/

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