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Azores event recom­mend­a­tions for july 2018

Walk&Talk Fest­iv­al

When: 2018 June 29th – July 14th
Where: mul­tiple loc­a­tions on São Miguel island (get your detailed event guide at Inform­a­tion Points across Sao Miguel)
More inform­a­tion: www​.walk​talkazores​.org
Annu­al arts fest­iv­al that stim­u­lates cre­ation in the spe­cif­ic cul­tur­al and geo­graph­ic con­text of the Azores

Festa Do Chicharro (Mack­er­el) Festival

When: 2018 July 5th – 8th
Where: Ribeira Quente (POVOAÇAO), São Miguel island
More inform­a­tion: http://​www​.face​book​.com/​f​e​s​t​a​d​o​c​h​i​c​h​a​rro
Music fest­iv­al for the youngsters

II. Angra World Sound Festival

When: 2018 July 7th, 21:00
Where: Ter­ceira island, Angra do Hero­ismo, Cais da Alfândega
More inform­a­tion: https://​www​.face​book​.com/​A​n​g​r​a​.​W​o​r​l​d​.​S​o​u​nd/
Lineup: Stone­bones & Bad spa­ghetti (Por­tugal), Enra­iz­arte (Por­tugal), Melt­ing­Pot (Ire­land)

Feira Quin­hentista (Medi­ev­al Fair)

When: 2018 July 12th ‑15th
Where: Ribeira Grande, São Miguel island
Entry: free
More inform­a­tion: http://​www​.ribeira​grande​.pt/​a​g​e​n​da/

A won­der­ful medi­ev­al fair in the town of Riber­ia Grande. You can read my full blog post about this event from last year. Dan­cing and music are the core ele­ments. The fair lasts for a week, with dif­fer­ent pro­grams and activ­it­ies every day. There is a horse show, theat­er, singing and dan­cing, and of course fire­works every even­ing. Vis­it­ors of all ages are wear­ing medi­ev­al cos­tumes and take an act­ive part in the activ­it­ies. All food sold at the ven­ue has medi­ev­al names, and in some cases even the pre­par­a­tion meth­od is medi­ev­al. Of course you can try the Azorean dough­nut: Malas­sada. Once you are in town, make sure you vis­it the A Mer­enda bakery, where you can try the bean tart and the loc­al cot­ton candy: Algodao Doce.

Red Bull Cliff Diving

When: 2018 July 13th – 14th, 11:00
Where: Vila Franca do Campo Ileu (small island oppos­ite Vila Franca do Campo), Sao Miguel Island
More inform­a­tion: www​.red​bullcliff​diving​.com

One of the best fest­ivals on the island, you can read my blog post about it here. Divers jump from a plat­form at a height ran­ging from 26 – 28 m (85 – 92 ft). Sao Miguel Island is the third loc­a­tion in the 2018 series. There are 24 world class cliff divers from 9 dif­fer­ent coun­tries par­ti­cip­at­ing in the com­pet­i­tion. The ven­ue itself is fas­cin­at­ing. The race can be best viewed from a boat. Make sure to make a book­ing in advance.

XV. Santa Maria Blues Festival

When: 2018 July 12th – 14th
Where: Santa Maria island
More inform­a­tion: www​.san​tam​ari​ablues​.com

Santa Maria island can be accessed with ferry ride from Sao Miguel with­in a couple of hours. Obvi­ously, both fer­ries and Santa Maria island is full with blues fans dur­ing this time of the year. The Santa Maria Blues Fes­itv­al is one of the old­est blues fest­ivals in Europe. Tick­ets are selling out, and acco­mod­a­tions are filling up quickly, so make sure to book early if you would like to attend the festival.

Fest­iv­al de Julho (July Festival)

When: 2018 July 12th – 16th
Where: Sao Jorge island, Cais da Cal­heta, Largo do Cais
More inform­a­tion: http://​www​.cm​-cal​heta​.pt/
Fest­iv­al with con­certs, and whal­ing ship racing

Fest­iv­al Caldo do Peixe

When: 2018 July 20th – 22nd
Where: Sao Miguel island, Porto Pes­cas de Rabo de Peixe, Rua do Porto
Entry: 5 – 8 EUR
More inform­a­tion: https://​pt​-br​.face​book​.com/​f​e​s​t​i​v​a​l​c​a​l​d​o​p​e​i​xe/
Gast­ro­nomy fest­iv­al with music & dancing

Caloura Blues Festival

When: 2018 July 27th – 30th
Where: Sao Miguel island, Praia Baixa d’Areia (Caloura beach)
More inform­a­tion: http://​www​.calour​ablues​.com/

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