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Gluten-free cakes from Sweet­De­light Bud­apest which I miss immensely when at the Azores

This post is a new addi­tion to the series of posts about gluten-free Hun­gari­an shops & res­taur­ants and about people who make excel­lent gluten-free products – which I dearly miss whenev­er I am at the Azores. I am very for­tu­nate to have a good few non-Hungarian fol­low­ers who will hope­fully appre­ci­ate this ever increas­ing list of things they need to try when they vis­it Budapest.

Today I would like to intro­duce you to the won­der­ful gluten-free cakes of Sweet­De­light Bud­apest and to the lady behind it, „cake magi­cian” Dóri Nyerges.

It was only last year that I first met Dóri at the sug­ar flower work­shop of Viol­et and the bot­an­ist. The work­shop has been amaz­ing, and Dóri and myself quickly real­ized we are on the same wavelength. She told me she atten­ded this work­shop to be able to make her gluten-free cakes even nicer. After our meet­ing at the work­shop I got to try Dóri’s cakes sev­er­al times and I have to admit that they are indeed divine. Since then it has become a tra­di­tion for me to take some Sweet­De­light cake with me whenev­er I travel abroad.

Dur­ing my inter­view with Dóri I was eager to get a glimpse of what’s behind the scenes. My first ques­tion to Dóri was about what inspired her to start mak­ing gluten-free cakes?

And I got a very unusu­al reply. In most cases one starts exper­i­ment­ing with gluten-free food at home when that per­son or someone in the imme­di­ate fam­ily has a med­ic­al con­di­tion which requires a gluten-free diet. Luck­ily, this is not how (and why) it star­ted for Dóri. In the begin­ning Dóri was import­ing a gluten-free ingredi­ent, and she star­ted to exper­i­ment with the ingredi­ent to check it’s qual­ity and to be able to mar­ket it even bet­ter. Later she star­ted to exper­i­ment with products made from this par­tic­u­lar ingredi­ent. And soon she real­ized that there is a high demand for these products, not just the ingredi­ent. So this is when she first star­ted think­ing about pro­du­cing gluten-free products in lar­ger quantities.

My next ques­tion was about her tar­get mar­ket: to whom she recom­mends her products and in which context?

Actu­ally, I am still in the pro­cess of identi­fy­ing where I want to go exactly, what I would really like to do. It occurred to me that at every wed­ding, cor­por­ate event with lots of people there will be people who need gluten-free, lactose-free, or even everything-free products. I would like to focus on these events. These days, thank­fully, there are wed­dings and cor­por­ate events where there is an entire table with food ded­ic­ated to those with food intol­er­ances or spe­cial diets.

My oth­er soft spot is Baby Cakes. There are quite a few ingredi­ents young moth­ers don’t like to use when feed­ing their 1 – 2 year old infants. Food intol­er­ance can also be an issue start­ing from an early age. This is why I love cre­at­ing indi­vidu­al cakes for these little ones to cel­eb­rate their birth­days, namedays, or oth­er import­ant fam­ily event. It gives me a lot of joy when I get a pos­it­ive feed­back about my cakes from these very young cus­tom­ers. How­ever, chil­dren with food aller­gies need to be nour­ished prop­erly (by redu­cing or com­pletely scop­ing out the harm­ful ingredi­ents) – and I have a solu­tion for this prob­lem, too.”

What do people say about your cakes?

I am very happy to say that I get great feed­back. Gen­er­ally, all my products are gluten- and lactose-free and it is worth not­ing that they con­tain very little sug­ar – and even if, I mainly use coconut sug­ar or oth­er sug­ar sub­sti­tutes, such as xylitol.”

Like I said earli­er, I had the pleas­ure of try­ing out the Sweet­De­light cakes on more than one occasion.

Once there was a cake tast­ing organ­ized for soon-to-be mar­ried couples. It was great event: good vibes and excel­lent cakes. You can read more about it here. I can heart­fully recom­mend these Sweet­De­light Bud­apest tast­ings to every couple pre­par­ing for their big day and also every moth­er with small children.

When I was inter­view­ing Dóri for this post, I was in the midst of pre­par­a­tions for Diner en Blanc with my friend Virág, whom I men­tioned already in pre­vi­ous posts. Hereby I would like to thank Virág for her help with this post. The concept of Diner en Blanc (white din­ner) is very simple: everything has to be white – the dresses, the tables, the chairs, the dec­or­a­tion, the food – and everything needs to be brought by the guests – so it is like a huge picnic.

Bring­ing Dóri’s cakes as dessert was an obvi­ous choice. We have tried them all, as you can see it on the pho­tos. I par­tic­u­larly loved the creamy cakes, but there was not a single one in the sor­ti­ment which I did not like.

My exper­i­ence with gluten-free food tells me that the best ones, the excep­tion­al ones are those made – baked – with love. And I can feel this love in every cake from Sweet­De­light Budapest.

Again, I can heart­fully recom­mend try­ing these healthy sweets. You can look at all products on the Face­book page of Sweet­De­light Bud­apest, and this is the best time to do so, because Dóri is pre­pared for the Christ­mas hol­i­days and you should be, too. I always take some of her cakes with me when I travel abroad because they keep very long which gives me time to dis­cov­er the new city’s gluten-free offer­ing whilst hav­ing Hun­gari­an gluten-free sweets at my disposal.

A huge THANK YOU to Dóri for the inter­view and the delight­ful cakes.

Photo cred­its: Sweet­De­light Bud­apest Face­book page, Eden Azores.

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