Gluten-Free Places in Bud­apest That I Miss A Lot

It is not that easy keep­ing a gluten-free diet on the Azores as it is in Bud­apest: I do miss the famil­i­ar tastes and places. So I have decided to intro­duce my favour­ite gluten-free and „all-free” vendors, shops, and res­taur­ants in Hun­gary. This is the first part of the series – and there will be many to fol­low, since I know a lot of great shops and restaurants.

Of course what I miss the most is my Mum’s cook­ing. I think my Mum is simply the best Mum ever. When after an ill­ness I have been told to start a gluten-free diet, my Mum exper­i­mented a lot to find the best recipes, which have since become not just my, but also the entire fam­ily’s favor­ites. I am happy to share a few of these recipes, if you ask me on Face­book. They are delicious.

So, apart from my Mum’s kit­chen, there is a fant­ast­ic little eat­ery I would like you to know: it is called Say Cheez Raw and is loc­ated in the 11th dis­trict of Bud­apest, Hun­gary. The own­ers – Mer­cedesz and Roland – are fully com­mit­ted to lov­ingly pre­pare their food from 100% raw, vegan, organ­ic and bio ingredi­ents. My per­son­al favor­ite is the vegan sand­wich: I could have nev­er ima­gined that an „all-free” sand­wich can be so good. And the cheese… YUMM… every­body needs to try the cheese. In my opin­ion food made with love has a com­pletely dif­fer­ent effect on our bod­ies. I have made this con­clu­sion based on my Mum’s cook­ing – and I felt some­thing very sim­il­ar at Say Cheez Raw. I would like you try it, and feel the difference!

What I adore about this ven­ture, is that they pay par­tic­u­lar atten­tion to pack­aging mater­i­als. I have not seen this atten­tion to detail any­where else before. While some of you might think the pack­aging is not import­ant, it is quite the con­trary. Most com­mon pack­aging mater­i­als con­tain harm­ful mater­i­als which are absorbed by the food con­tained with­in. There­fore it is essen­tial to be mind­ful not just about the food you eat, but also about how this food is stored. You would be sur­prised to know all the health risks asso­ci­ated with the use of improp­er pack­aging materials.

Just like my Mum I keep most food in glass con­tain­ers (mason jars) in both of my kit­chens (Hun­gary & Azores). Whenev­er I am going to a res­taur­ant, I take a glass con­tain­er with me in case there will be some leftovers which I would like to take home. This might sound a bit silly or imprac­tic­al, but I rather do this instead of hav­ing one of those foam (poly­styrene) food con­tain­ers. Lot of people drink their hot cof­fee from these con­tain­ers every day. In case you are won­der­ing, I am happy to post a paper that has been pub­lished in the USA about the dangers of foam food con­tain­ers. My first degree is from food bio­logy, I have always been curi­ous about these topics.

I think at Say Cheez Raw all pack­aging mater­i­als are 100% bio­de­grad­able and made from nat­ur­al fibers. I have not asked the own­ers yet, but I hope they get back to me on Face­book once they read this post.

Since my Mum’s divine kit­chen would not accom­mod­ate all of us, I recom­mend you try this won­der­ful vegan bar.

Photo cred­its: Azori Éden and Say­CheezRaw Face­book page

Say­CheezRaw address: Sza­bolc­ska Mihály utca 7., 1114 Bud­apest, Hun­gary say­cheezraw

If you would like to read more about places like this both in Hun­gary and in the Azores, if you liked this post, have a ques­tion or feed­back, please con­tact me on my Face­book page Azori Éden

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