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How to use the park­ing meter in Pon­ta Del­gada? Tips & Tricks to park­ing on Sao Miguel Island

Don’t get me wrong: the usage of park­ing meters in Pon­ta Del­gada looks and is, in fact, very easy. How­ever, I have assisted over 10 tour­ists already, so I thought it is time to cre­ate a quick „How to”.

In the main cit­ies, view­points, and at main sights the park­ing is effort­less. There are vis­it­or park­ing lots avail­able everywhere.

Please note, that – unless it is clearly indic­ated to be a park­ing area – park­ing on the side of the road is not allowed.

Remem­ber: only park at the des­ig­nated areas.

Hint: after park­ing the car, take a moment to remem­ber the regis­tra­tion num­ber (license plate).

So, let’s get star­ted with this meter.

  1. Enter the regis­tra­tion num­ber of your car
  2. Press the green checkmark
  3. Check for how long you would like to park and how much this will cost. Above the keys you see a table dis­play­ing the park­ing fee & dur­a­tion information
  4. Insert the coins
  5. Press the green checkmark
  6. Put the prin­ted tick­et on the dash­board of your car

I hope this is help­ful. If you think so, please like and share this post so that this inform­a­tion gets to those who need it the most.

P.S. These meters – for which this user manu­al is inten­ded – are found mostly in Pon­ta Del­gada. There are oth­er park­ing lots on the island with tra­di­tion­al park­ing meters.

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