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Pri­vacy policy


The web­site must inform vis­it­ors to the web­site the use of cook­ies, and this – tech­nic­ally indis­pens­able ses­sion (ses­sion) cook­ies excep­tion - to seek advice.

Gen­er­al inform­a­tion about cookies

  1. A cook­ie (cook­ies in Eng­lish) is a data that is sent to the web­sites you vis­it the vis­it­or’s browser (vari­able name-value format) to store and later the same web page can load its con­tent. A cook­ie may be val­id, may hold you close your browser, but it indef­in­itely. In the future, all HTTP (S) to earn this data is sent to the browser on the serv­er. Thus, the user changes the data on your machine.
  2. A cook­ie is that the very nature of web ser­vices it is neces­sary to mark a user (eg., Came to the site) and can handle the fol­low­ing accord­ingly. The danger lies in the fact that this has not always is aware of and is liable to users, fol­low the web­site oper­at­or or oth­er ser­vice pro­viders whose con­tent is built into the hill­side (eg. Face­book, Google Ana­lyt­ics), thereby pro­file is cre­ated it, in this case can be con­sidered as per­son­al data con­tained in the cookie.

The types of cookies:

  1. Tech­nic­ally, the ses­sion is essen­tial (ses­sion) cook­ies: no page that simply does not work func­tion­ally, they identi­fy the user, for example. neces­sary to man­age that came to what was in the bas­ket, etc. This is typ­ic­ally a session-id can be enrolled, the oth­er data is stored on a serv­er, which is thus safer. Do you have safety implic­a­tions if the ses­sion cook­ie is gen­er­ated is not well, then there is a risk of ses­sion hijack­ing attack, so it is imper­at­ive that these val­ues ​​are gen­er­ated cor­rectly. Oth­er ter­min­o­lo­gies ses­sion cook­ie called all cook­ies, which are erased when you exit the browser (a browser ses­sion using one of the elindítástól exit).
  2. Pro­mot­ing the use of cook­ies: so do you call those cook­ies that remem­ber the user­’s choices, such as what form you want the user to see the page. These types of cook­ies are essen­tially set­ting data stored in the cookie.
  3. Cook­ies are provid­ing per­form­ance: even though many do not have the „power” Rates are rel­at­ive, usu­ally referred to as the cook­ies that col­lect inform­a­tion about the user beha­vi­or with­in the site you vis­ited, time, clicks, spent. Typ­ic­ally, these third-party applic­a­tions (eg. Google Ana­lyt­ics, AdWords, or Yan​dex​.ru cook­ies). They are suit­able for mak­ing the vis­it­or profiling.

The inform­a­tion in Google Ana­lyt­ics cook­ie on:

https://​developers​.google​.com/ – ana­lyt­ics / devguides / col­lec­tion / – ana­lyt­ic­sjs / cook­ie usage

The inform­a­tion in Google AdWords about cookies:

https://​sup​port​.google​.com/​a​d​w​o​r​ds/ – answer / 2407785? hl = en

  1. accept­ance, per­mit the use of cook­ies is not man­dat­ory. You can reset your browser set­tings to refuse all cook­ies or to indic­ate when the sys­tem is send­ing a cook­ie. Most browsers auto­mat­ic­ally accept cook­ies as the default, but they tend to be changed in order to pre­vent the auto­mat­ic accept­ance and offer a choice every time.

The most pop­u­lar browser cook­ie set­tings, vis­it the fol­low­ing links

  1. Google Chrome: https://​sup​port​.google​.com/ – accounts / answer / 61 416 hl = en?
  2. Fire­fox: https://​sup​port​.moz​illa​.org/​h​u​/​kb/ – Enable cookie-and-tiltasa- – what-I-Website
  3. Microsoft Inter­net Explorer 11: http://​win​dows​.microsoft​.com/​h​u​-​hu/ – cook­ies = # BC-11 BC – inter­net explorer / delete-manage-
  4. Microsoft Inter­net Explorer 10: http://​win​dows​.microsoft​.com/​h​u​-​hu/ – inter­net explorer / delete-manage- – cook­ies = # BC-10 BC-win‑7
  5. Microsoft Inter­net Explorer 9: http://​win​dows​.microsoft​.com/​h​u​-​hu/ – inter­net explorer / delete-manage- – cook­ies = BC-BC # 9
  6. Microsoft Inter­net Explorer 8: http://​win​dows​.microsoft​.com/​h​u​-​hu/ – inter­net explorer / delete-manage- – cook­ies = # BC‑8 BC
  7. Microsoft Edge: http://​win​dows​.microsoft​.com/​h​u​-​hu/ – 10 win­dows / faq-edge privacy
  8. Safari: https://​sup​port​.apple​.com/​h​u​-​hu/ – HT201265

In addi­tion, how­ever, we draw atten­tion to the fact that there may be some web­site fea­tures or ser­vices may not func­tion prop­erly without cookies.

  1. Inform­a­tion on Meg­felelő Megoldás LTD. about cook­ies used web­site or cre­ated dur­ing the vis­it data
    1. Dur­ing the vis­it, man­aged data set: The Meg­felelő Megoldás LTD. Web­site cap­ture and man­age the fol­low­ing inform­a­tion to the vis­it­or or the device they use to browse the web while using:
  1. used by the vis­it­or’s IP address,
  2. browser type,
  3. char­ac­ter­ist­ics of the device used for brows­ing the oper­at­ing sys­tem (set language)
  4. time of visit,
  5. I vis­ited the (sub) page, fea­ture or service.
  6. click.

These data are retained for up to 90 days and can be used primar­ily for test­ing secur­ity incidents.

Cook­ies are used on the website

Tech­nic­ally, the ses­sion is essen­tial (ses­sion) cookies

The object­ive of data man­age­ment: ensur­ing the prop­er func­tion­ing of the web­site. These cook­ies are neces­sary to give the vis­it­ors böngészhessék web­site smoothly and make full use of its fea­tures, is avail­able through the web­site ser­vices, such as – among oth­ers, par­tic­u­lar note of the oper­a­tions car­ried out by the vis­it­ors of those sites or the logged-on user iden­ti­fic­a­tion dur­ing a vis­it . The dur­a­tion of this treat­ment cook­ie data relates only to the vis­it­or’s cur­rent vis­it, the cook­ies this kind of ses­sion is fin­ished, or clos­ing the browser will be auto­mat­ic­ally deleted from your computer.

The leg­al basis of this data man­age­ment CVIII 2001 on cer­tain aspects of elec­tron­ic com­merce ser­vices and inform­a­tion soci­ety ser­vices. Law (Elker­tv.) 13 / A. § (3) that the ser­vice pro­vider can man­age to sup­ply ser­vices to per­son­al data, which are indis­pens­able for provid­ing the ser­vice. The ser­vice in the case of oth­er con­di­tions identic­al they be elec­ted in any case be required to oper­ate assets used in the pro­vi­sion of ser­vices related to the inform­a­tion soci­ety in a way that the pro­cessing of per­son­al data can only take place if it’s neces­sar­ily provide and ful­fill the oth­er object­ives set out in this Act, the Ser­vice neces­sary, but in this case only to the extent and for the time required.

pro­mot­ing the use of cookies:

They note the user­’s choices, such as what form you want the user to see the page. These types of cook­ies are essen­tially set­ting data stored in the cookie.

The leg­al basis of data man­age­ment con­tri­bu­tion to the visitors.

The object­ive of data man­age­ment: improve the effi­ciency of the ser­vice, to increase the user exper­i­ence, mak­ing use of the site more convenient.

This fig­ure is more on the user­’s com­puter, a web site only has access to and recog­nized (may) of its visitors.

Cook­ies are provid­ing performance:

Col­lect inform­a­tion about the user beha­vi­or with­in the site you vis­ited, time, clicks, spent. Typ­ic­ally, these third-party applic­a­tions (eg. Google Ana­lyt­ics, AdWords).

The leg­al basis of data man­age­ment: the sub­ject’s consent.The object­ive of data man­age­ment: Ana­lyze your web­site, send­ing advert­ising offers.

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