Azores event recommendations for july 2018
Walk&Talk Festival When: 2018 June 29th – July 14thWhere: multiple locations on São Miguel island (get your detailed event guide at Information Points across Sao Miguel)More information: www.walktalkazores.orgAnnual arts festival that stimulates creation in the specific cultural and geographic context of the Azores Festa Do Chicharro (Mackerel) Festival When: 2018 July 5th – 8thWhere: Ribeira Quente […]
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Eden Azores Gastronomical Bucket List
(Guest Post) I will start off with a confession that will surely not surprise anyone who knows me even a little bit: I love to eat. I do own a significant number of cookbooks, but my real passion is not cooking, but rather tasting and experiencing culinary treats. Upon my travels I prefer restaurants where […]
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Wine in Azores 2017 Gastronomy Festival Review and Recommendation for Azores Visitors in October
This post is one of my favourites on the blog. According to my first university degree I am a Food Safety Quality Engineer, which means I am very curious and interested about everything concerning food quality. I also used to work as a quality engineer in this field, with the main areas of focus being […]
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Delicacy cooked in Azorean volcanoes: “Volcano Corn” from Furnas and “Volcano Soup” or Cozido
Gluten-free delicacy right from the volcanoes of Furnas, not only for gluten-free eaters Furnas is the most beloved tourist destination on the island. Furnas is located approximately 45 minutes from Ponta Delgada. Furnas has beautiful flora and fauna, and a wonderful landscape. And last but not least it is the home of the most delicious volcano-made […]
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Grocery shopping on Sao Miguel & best stores for people with food allergies
A lot of you asked me about where to go grocery shopping on a small island like Sao Miguel, so I have collected (almost every) grocery store on the island. I sincerely hope you will find this useful, since I have spent a lot of time – exactly 3 days – on this topic. My experiences about […]
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