Fur­nas tour

Fur­nas is the tour­ist­ic cen­ter of Sao Miguel island. This tour aims to show par­ti­cipants the nat­ur­al beauty of Fur­nas & its sur­round­ings. The tour starts with the dis­cov­ery of the Caldeir­as (vol­can­ic fur­naces) which illus­trate the rich vol­can­ic activ­it­ies of the region. The par­ti­cipants can take a sneak peek into how Cozido (vol­can­ic stew) is made, and then pro­ceed to taste this loc­al del­ic­acy and some oth­er, also very excit­ing loc­al dishes. Dur­ing lunch detailed inform­a­tion is shared about loc­al tra­di­tions, fest­iv­it­ies, energy sources, and tile man­u­fac­ture. After lunch par­ti­cipants have the oppor­tun­ity to vis­it the Terra Nos­tra Park – one of the most beau­ti­ful botan­ic­al gar­dens in Por­tugal – or to take a dip in the Poca da Dona Beija thermal bath.

For those plan­ning to vis­it the thermal bath it is recom­men­ded to bring dark colored swim­wear (the high iron con­tent of the thermal water might dis­col­or light­er colored fab­rics). Since the weath­er is ever-changing and as such unpre­dict­able on the Azores, the tour might be slightly mod­i­fied based on weath­er conditions. 

Tour details

Tour price: €50-tól per person
Reduced price: €35 per person (Children below 10 years)
Tour duration: 5 hour
Available languages: Hungarian, English


hétfő, 10. március 2025.

10:00 Free places: 10

péntek, 16. május 2025.

10:00 Free places: 3

csütörtök, 24. július 2025.

10:00 Free places: 10

hétfő, 5. május 2025.

10:00 Free places: 10

hétfő, 9. június 2025.

10:00 Free places: 10

szerda, 23. július 2025.

10:00 Free places: 5

csütörtök, 7. augusztus 2025.

10:00 Free places: 10

hétfő, 18. augusztus 2025.

10:00 Free places: 10

szerda, 3. szeptember 2025.

10:00 Free places: 10

péntek, 27. június 2025.

10:00 Free places: 10

Custom date

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