True Story- Why I decided to move to the Azores exactly 1 year ago on this day?
So many of you asked about how did I ended up moving to the Azores? How does one come to the decision to move there, at all? Why the Azores? Why Sao Miguel, of all islands? These are indeed a lot of good questions. Therefore, on the 1 year anniversary of me making this decision, I have decided to share a few details with you about the move.
To put it short and sweet I would say: I went – I saw – I loved – I moved.
Before dwelling into the details I have to admit, that in my life I prefer good organization and thorough planning above spontaneity. I don’t like making decisions in a rush, instead, I tend to analyze all aspects and angles – especially in case of a decision of this magnitude. But this time, things were a little bit different.
Everybody was guessing there must have been a love interest, because girls tend to make dramatic decision listening to their hearts when they are blinded by love. Like in every similar story, there was a man – in fact, two men – involved, but in the the way you might think.
I would not like to start this story with Adam and Eve – though it would fit the Eden of the blog’s title – but I need to go back in time a little when I start telling the story behind my decision.
Since I was very young I had an entrepreneurial spirit. My parents always did their best to help me in the execution of my several ideas, absolutely unconditionally. I am forever grateful for their invaluable support. I needed motivation to study for my English language exam and I decided to make a language course abroad, so I ended up going to Australia. I simply loved being there. A few years later, when I was already completing my PhD and another post-graduate degree, there was a scholarship to study at an Australian university. I applied, and won this scholarship. I would like to give a shout out to my friends Aron and Brian, who assisted me back then. Having lived there for several years, Australia has been determining factor in my life. I was all set to relocate to Australia permanently, but an unexpected and grave illness got in the way. After the surgery came a long recovery period with lots of resignation, spiritual reforms, learning, and developing self-knowledge. Also, my preferences have changed and instead of noisy and buzzing places I started to prefer more relaxing, calming, and tranquil options.
Ever since moving back to Hungary from Australia, I have been looking for a destination which fills the void after Down Under – and this is is how I found the Azores.
Discovering the Azores
In 2016 I traveled to Bulgaria with a group of friends I knew from salsa dancing. In a very funny series of events my friends and I met two guys from Portugal. So I started chatting to one of them, getting to know them, asking the usual questions. So when I asked him where he lives, he told me: I live in PARADISE. So I asked him: and where is this Paradise of yours? To which he replied: it is the Azores. Not knowing where the Azores were, I felt very embarrassed, but I did some reading and got very excited. My newly made friend offered me to be my guide, should I ever decide to go and see the islands for myself. Based on everything he told me, I felt that the Azores might be exactly the place I was looking for. But then I had other work to do, and put this on the backburner for a few weeks, until I flew to London for a conference. Then I remembered the beautiful photos I have seen during my research of the Azores, and that there is a direct flight from London to Sao Miguel, so I have contacted my friend and went to visit him in Paradise. Traveling there was one of the best holidays of my life – thank the guys I met in Bulgaria, who proved to be fantastic tour guides. Hereby I would like to thank Patricio and Emmanuel for the wonderful introduction of the Azores. On my second day of being there, I was walking in the city of Furnas when I saw a hillside covered with hydrangeas. The tranquility and the greenery mesmerized me, and I immediately decided: this is it, my new home. Ever since I spend more and more time there, planning and organizing my life on the Azores. I feel very lucky for being at the right place, at the right time to make this happen.
The year 2017 marked a major milestone in my life, a round birthday to which I haven’t been looking much forward to. But since I love having a good plan, I decided that I will celebrate this round birthday on the Azores already. And this is exactly what happened: accompanied by my parents and some good friends we have celebrated my birthday on a beautiful sailing boat. I think my parents are relieved, that I traded off the far-away Australia with the much more accessible Azores.
Experiences so far
So this is my story in a nutshell. It might sound very simple and straightforward, but of course there are always setbacks and difficulties. I find myself day by day in difficult situations which I need to solve or overcome somehow. But I think if we set a goal, and we really would like to achieve this goal and do everything we can – then this goal might become reality.
All in all I think I made a good decision. I am not sure I would like to spend the entire year in the Azores – I prefer commuting between Budapest and Furnas – but I do enjoy my time there. If you are looking at the pictures below, you will understand me even better.