Azori-szigeteki italajánló: KIMA

KIMA – A drink every­one needs to try!

KIMA is my abso­lute favour­ite soft drink on the Azores. The KIMA is a fizzy drink made from maracuja (pas­sion fruit). Being all BIO I should not encour­age drink­ing sweet, fizzy soft drinks – but KIMA is simply amaz­ing. Every­one I made to taste KIMA loved it.

As far as I know, KIMA is pro­duced in fact­ory Cerve­jas e Refri­ger­antes João Melo Abreu in Pon­ta Del­gada. This fact­ory is also a brewery.

It is very strange, that even though KIMA is loved by every­one it is almost impossible to buy in smal­ler gro­cery stores. How­ever, it can be found on the drinks menu of every res­taur­ant under the name of „Sumo de Maracuja” in the „Sumo” (fruit juices) section.

I highly recom­mend try­ing this deli­cious drink – even if you nor­mally don’t like fizzy drinks.

And I have great news!
In a small cafe I have had the pleas­ure to try the pine­apple fla­voured KIMA and it is divine! It is at least as good, as the ori­gin­al maracuja (pas­sion fruit) fla­vour, if not better.

This is the address of the cafe in Pon­ta Del­gada where you can try this incred­ible soft drink:

Taba­caria Esper­anca
Rua Dr.Gil Mont Alverne Sequeira n.11
9500 – 199 Pon­ta Del­gada
Sao Miguel (Acores)


  1. Kima used to be great but now they are using arti­fi­cial sweeten­ers it tastes like any oth­er sickly sweet chem­ic­al shit on the mar­ket. It now trig­gers my ocu­lar migraine.

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